
The Tequila Sunrise

This drink apparently gets its name because when you put the grenadine in, it sinks to the bottom, creating an ornate, multihued affair of a drink.

The Tequila Sunrise
Orange Juice

This drink is complex only because the grenadine settles to the bottom of the drink. The closer you get to the bottom the more you taste it...i.e. the sweeter it gets. I don't think I'll be having any more of these.

The White Lady

I have heard this drink referred to as both the White Lady and the Delilah. Amis calls it the White Lady, so I will too.

The White Lady
Triple Sec

Hrmm, that recipe looks familiar. Oh yeah, it's basically a gin Margarita. The drink basically tastes like one too. Actually it tastes more like Kamikaze, which is the Vodka version of this drink. Too sweet for my tastes.