
The Monkey Wrench

You know, for someone who has pretty much chosen to exclusively drink Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum, this is the first mention of the sugar cane based spirit of the blog. For some unknown reason, the third variation on this drink eschews the canine names in favor of The Monkey Wrench.

The Monkey Wrench
Grapefruit Juice

This is by far my least favorite of the drinks mixed with grapefruit juice. Maybe it also has to do with grapefruit juice being the least favorite of juices to mix with rum. Well, it's probably better than mixing rum and say, tomato juice, but I'd rather have my rum taken with either lime juice or pineapple juice.

The reason why I dislike the monkey wrench compared to the others is because of its sweetness. The grapefruit juice doesn't do as much as lime to cut the sweet of the rum, putting it on the sweetest side of the three drink spectrum, and I'm not big on sweet drinks (aside from the occaisional pina colada or banana daquiri).

Tomorrow I'll do the Salty Dog, even though you can probably infer what I am going to say, based upon these last two posts.