
The Tom Collins

I used to drink these a lot a few years ago. They're really refreshing and easy to make.

The Tom Collins

The Tom Collins is a good sit by the pool sort of drink. It basically tastes like slightly bitter lemonade and since you can put as much soda in it as you like, you can sip on one for hours.

A classic

The Boilermaker

Before the Jaƫger Bomb, the Irish Carbomb, the Cherry Bomb, or the ill conceived Buie Bomb, there was the Boilermaker. Named presumably after the tough union type that would order such a thing at 5am after his shift at the plant ended, it's simply whiskey and beer. I once ordered one and the bartender said "here you go--the worst drink in America."

The Boilermaker
3/4 Pint of Beer
Shot of Whiskey

The Boilermaker can be experienced in one of three ways. One can either: shoot the whiskey and then chase with the beer, pour the shot into the beer and drink it, or, and the most spectacular way, drop the shot glass into the beer and then chug.

I always drink mine the third way. Sure you do have to watch out for both overflow and that shot glass rattling around in the bottom of the pint glass, but if you are careful, you won't lose any teeth.

I like the boilermaker because it turns regular mass produced American style lager into something that tastes more like a scotch ale. The flavor of the whiskey brings out the malt in the beer. However, because it is a drink that is best drunk quickly, the Boilermaker is certainly not something you can drink for a shift.