
The Margarita

The Margarita is the only acceptable way to drink Tequila, in my book. Shots are just a waste of time, if i want to get drunk real fast, I'll do shots of something more amazing, like Rumple Minze or something. Also, Tequila mixes in nothing else very well.

The Margarita
Mostly Tequila
Some Triple Sec
Sweetened Lime Juice/Sours Mix
Rim Salt

Sadly most people in today's age think that Margaritas are tequila and prepackaged margarita mix. While this is an acceptable shortcut, the full recipe is so much better. Pre-packaged mixes have a tendency to be too sweet or too acidic sometimes. Also I prefer my margaritas on the rocks. The frozen margarita just leads itself to brain freeze more often.

I never, ever, drink flavored margaritas. Just like the daiquiri, the margarita is best served in it's original concoction.